Monday, July 30, 2007

#9 Merlin

I found this is yet another way to communicate with access to so many different channels of news. Merlin is just new to me.

Thing # 6

Flickr Mashups- I viewed Librariand Trading Card. Explored flickr, took the tour. Flickr is a great way to get your photos to your friends. I actually used my camera phone for library event to upload an image.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Thing 5

I find Flicker could be lots of fun if you have the time to create and post pictures. Also, sharing photos thru flicker is becoming more available to people.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Week 3 Thing 5

So far, I have enjoyed actually using flicker. However, it is just another technological imaging process to explore.
I used my phone to take image and up load into my blog.
Of course this is Maria working diligently at circ desk on a busy Saturday at Perry Hall on July 14th.